Map Collection

The most current MapBiomas collection can be accessed in the following ways:

  1. Browsing online through the MapBiomas Indonesia’s dashboard:
  2. Direct download of Collection 2 with Land Use and Land Cover maps in GeoTiff format (one map for each year)
    For the year 2022: , For other years, just change the final year of the link. Available from 2000 to 2022.
  3. Download by country, region, district any other desired geometry using Toolkit prepared in Google Earth Engine (GEE): mapbiomas-user-toolkit-lulc
    *To use this tool it is necessary to have an account on the Google Earth Engine (free).

To download data from Collection 1:

  1. Land Cover and Land Use projects/mapbiomas-indonesia/public/collection1/post_Integration_filter_rev_2_10_3
  2. Transitions projects/mapbiomas-indonesia/public/collection1/mapbiomas_indonesia_collection1_transitions_v2


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